“Art allows me to forge relationships with life-minded people.”

“We must take the time to stockpile enough of our own energy in the work so it may be worthy of the energies of others. But the energy in the work won’t just consist of the time we spent actually making it, it will also consist of all the time we spent leading up to the work… all the days we thought were going nowhere…”-unknown

Regardless of mood, location, time and any other factor to an excuse, you should make art. The practice and value of what you can find in yourself at those moments are pushing and developing your craft. Making art is never comfortable. It is a pure rawness of communication. It's your life's work.

Building your life's work so that it is worth the time of others is a wanderlust thought.

The passion, joy, the therapy, connecting with people, studying life, deeper authentic conversations, the education and application of problem solving in every environment. I am addicted to it. The process and breaking down the steps with attention to details and learning new techniques, I cannot get enough of it.

I only ever hope to exhibit my passion of art and hunger for life in my everyday works and creations.